Tuesday, March 17, 2015


The breath in my lungs never fills me completely.
Some unknown entity is taking up an illegal residency somewhere in my body,
seeping mercury,
and the toxicity is killing me.
Ionic frequencies ricochet off of my bones and pulse along my brain stem until my eye balls lubricate my cheeks in desperate hope of recognition.
I’m not a child.
I’m not a servant.
But I am slave to forces beyond my comprehension, cognition, and recollection.
God damn this lightning burning through the circuits of my mind;
frying ideas that have never been given a chance to shine,
and now
forever will they stand in the queue of cognizance unable to move up a spot in line. What promise they once showed.
What glorious advancement they swore to unveil,
and now,
their masters beat them into submissive passiveness removing all their drive to break free of chained oppression.
The rhythm is constant as the drums percuss violently into the cosmos through the pores already filled with sweat.
Let me out.
Let me out.
These bars are rusted and frail yet inexplicably hold fast against my constant battery.
Perhaps I’m weaker than I thought.
Perhaps the strength I thought I had has always existed as nothing but a hopeful mirage in the face of horrific destitution.
I am emaciated and atrophied,
but every minute of self-pity is assaulted by the war that rages eternal behind these walls.
I surrender.
I submit.
Take this cup from which I never drank, and fill it with
anything to satiate the thirst of he who punishes his inferiors.
There is no shame in this submission,
and even if there was,
you would hardly see me protesting.
This treatment cries out for respite,
but ears of stone are deaf to mortal pleas.
Rivers cascade across the valleys of enlightenment forever destined to elude my grasp,
but their force resonates still even deeper than before.
Screams coalesce with solidity in my throat;
further hindering the breath already weakened by the battles, and deeper I sink beneath despair until I reach a level that has never known the warmth of light in hopes of finding peace.
Bury me in shadow if therein lies my destiny of silence,
for I shall no longer fight in a conflict that holds no victors.


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